Of Experience and Expression

There are two core human aspects in living a wonderful life: profoundness of experience and exuberant expression. The first refers to the depth of wonderfulness that you experience in this moment. The second refers to the sharing of that wonderfulness with the world in the most creative and non-expectant manners imagined by you.

There is a certain energy in the human being that is both connected to its source and seeking explosive expression in the world around. The human mind has no authority in this natural phenomenon. This phenomenon is Sanatana. This flow of energy, from within to the world outside, can only happen beautifully when the source is accessible to you, and the channels of expression well established, consciously. So, how does one access this source and how do we establish the channels of expression?


The most obvious and yet the most audacious answer is Yoga, the union. There is something nuclear happening within you right now. An atomic exchange that is the basis of existence – a meeting point between creation and the source of creation. To reach the source, move upstream – which, in this case, refers to moving inwards – to a state of Yoga.

So, how does one move inwards? One way is to identify those objects which are not inwards but are rather outwardly. Your body is out because it’s just food that you’ve eaten over time. Your mind is also out because it’s just information that you’ve collected over time and learnt how to use. Your thoughts are out because they are just an audio-visual play of information that you’ve collected. Your emotions are out because they are just the chemistry of your body. All of these are objects of creation and available to us for a good life. The balance of these objects is essential in Yoga. But if they are all outwardly objects, then what is inwards?


The defining moment for a seeker of human well-being is a question of ‘What am I? Why am I? What is this? What are we all here for?’. A seeker realizes what he is not, but as yet does not know what he is. He realizes he is seeking, whilst performing his duty to the world.


The culture of Bharat is a wise one. It recognizes that every seeker finds their self in a unique combination of entanglements needing a unique response to untangle. Therefore, this culture never tells you who you are, rather it gives to you all the tools and resources needed to self-explore and self-establish your unique way of life.

Yogic practices are an essential tool to enhance human experience and expression. They are used to explore your questions. To access the source of creation. To establish union.

They help organize the mind. They help set appropriate perspectives and intentions. They help establish conscious channels from within into the world outside. These channels allow exuberant expressions through activity – impactful activity – that is sustainable, non-exploitative, and enriching to the well-being of humanity and other life on this planet.

Is there anything more to do in this temporary endeavor, i.e. life?

Therefore, first establish Yoga, then Act.

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