Breath. The Subtle Thread.

There is one constant for life. It is breath. Starting with a cry and ending with a gasp, our breath is the only true companion for life. Without it, our wealth, knowledge, relationships, ambitions – everything – ceases to exist.

This element, so profound in the making of who we are, is often overlooked by the living. It is taken for granted. Yet, for those who are seekers, the breath becomes a key. A key to unlock innumerable possibilities.

Just breathe. The mere act of attention towards your breath leads to the creation of a quite wonderful state within your person. It is a most fundamental tool to use towards physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. When such a tool is available with immediate access – and at such low cost – how then could the seekers and a seeking culture ignore it? They couldn’t. They didn’t.

Therefore, Pranayama.

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