1 October 2023
No. This is Varna-Vyavastha. A system to describe the articulation of action.
It takes generations of people and their conscious effort, articulation, and precise action to achieve mastery in a particular...
1 October 2023
There are two core human aspects in living a wonderful life: profoundness of experience and exuberant expression. The first refers to the depth of wonderfulness that you experience in this moment. The...
30 September 2023
There is one constant for life. It is breath. Starting with a cry and ending with a gasp, our breath is the only true companion for life. Without it, our wealth, knowledge, relationships, ambitions – everything...
24 September 2023
India vs Bharat is an intensely engaging and amusing discourse. On the surface, both seem the same, but is there a difference? Let us unpack the known facts and the value of both India and Bharat.
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